Slowly guests from near and far trickled in to witness the official opening of the newly built Montessori Classroom of our Early Learning Centre Rebaone in Lomanyaneng on 30.01.2015. Among them were foster parents for the children, representatives of the Action Groups of Tsibogang CAG, representatives of the congregation of St. Vincent where the new building had been erected and (of special importance) the District Manager of the Department of Education Mr. Moeng as well as the local Chief Digoamaje.

After the opening prayer that was conducted by Paballo Loving, Ms. Jane Ngubelanga, the principal of Lomanyneng ELC introduced the guests. Mrs. Christel Lorato Hermann then gave her speech under the heading “What is Montessori? Why Montessori?” From the beginning she involved the parents. “What kind of changes have you noticed since we opened again earlier this year?” she asked. “The kids are washing the dishes” a mother replied “ I would never have imagined that they could be able to do that!”. To learn how to wash the dishes is part of the Practical Life Lessons according to Maria Montessori and the three year kids do this with great enthusiasm.
In order to demonstrate the difference of the Montessori approach to conventional pedagogic Mrs. Hermann used two impressive pictures: A child is not like an empty glass in which we as the clever educators pour our knowledge but a child’s learning can rather be compared to a sponge that soaks up the water from its surroundings. The use of all senses –especially the tactile sense of the hands is of great importance for true understanding.
The audience listened very attentively and warm words of support and appreciation were spoken by the chairperson of the Parish Council of St. Vincent, by Mr. Moeng on behalf of the Department of Education and by a representative of the parents.
Dr. W. Hermann in his speech thanked especially the representatives of St. Vincent Congregation that allowed Tsibogang to erect the new building on its premises and – in absentia- the donors from Germany who provided the financial resources. He then tried to answer the question “Can education prevent HIV infections?” Not the parting of knowledge is most important in the education of a child but to get the message across to each child that it is unique and special.
A procession then went to the entrance of the new classroom where Dr. W. Hermann and Chief Digoamaje had the honour to cut the ribbon. Thereafter Mrs. C. Hermann led a guided tour through the classroom and explained to the guests of honour how the various materials that were neatly displayed on the shelves are used.

When they went back to the hall the Chief who according to Tswana custom always has the last word requested the District Manager from the Department of Education to explain to the audience before what her had discovered in the new classroom. Mr. Moeng: “I tell you, this room is full of wisdom! If I had been given the opportunity to use those beads when I was a child, surely I would be a doctor by now!”
In his closing speech the Chief added to the words of appreciation and expressed the hope that the
60 orphans and vulnerable children who now attend the Early Learning Centre now and all who would come after them would be given a good foundation for their lives.
Wolfgang Hermann